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sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:35 pm
by aussiegal
I am new to this board- I started the program a few months ago, but stopped after a few weeks, because I found that it was making me focus on my anxiety so much that it was unbearable & making me very depressed. I've had anxiety for a long time (10+yrs), but it only got bad in the last year. It started whenever I was competing with my dogs & then progressed to panick attacks when shopping & going to work. I started seeing a therapist & also take xanax occassionally when I feel a panick attack coming on. I was doing really well, the panick attacks had gone away & I was able to work & shop without problems. I learned to accept the anxiety, breath & do the positive self talk. Last Friday, I pushed thru the anxiety while showing my dogs, but then was unable to leave the show. Normally, as soon as I get in the car to head home I relax...not this time. I was litterally trapped for 3 hours...I could not get myself to leave, I couldn't get on the freeway & every traffic light brought on another panick attack. All the breathing, self talk & even xanax didn't help a bit. Now I can't even get myself out of the house...I tried to go to the store on Saturday & panick attack! Tried to go to work today and could only go 1 mile before turning around. I am worse than I ever was. I am SO FRUSTRATED! I can't live this way! why the sudden regression? HELP!

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:56 am
by ElectrifiedBrain
Regression is normal, because it's your bad habit's way of fighting to survive.

Now, you said that the self-talk didn't work, but I'm wondering: Did you do all six steps, or just the one?

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:14 pm
by suggy

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:35 am
by KKross

I have been through what you are experiencing. It was so bad at one point I thought I would have to quite my job. However, I triumphed over it and was able to do things I never dreamed I could do, such as taking a plane across the country to run a marathon.

Here is what helped me:

1. I did every step of the program, including the relaxation tape three times a day. Very important.

2. Cut back on caffeine to almost none.

3. Took the tapes wherever I went and listened to them. This helped tremendously.

4. Gave myself an "out" in every situtation. For example, I always took my cell with me
and told myself that I could call someone if my panic attack got out of control. I would always have enough money with me in case I needed to grab a cab and get home. Just knowing I could do this was enough.

5. Told myself to "float" through this. I know this is really hard, but it really helps. I would make it through the panic attack and it would always lessen.

6. I would talk myself through situations. For example, morning anxiety was really hard for me and I had a really hard time getting out the door. I would tell myself something like, "Okay, just walk to the corner and then you can go back home." When I got that far I would tell myself to go a little further. Having the tapes with me, particularly the "What If Thinking" tape was a godsend.

7. Use little mental tricks that may help you. For example, when facing a difficult situation, I would think about how after it was over I would get on the discussion boards and tell everyone how I did. Think of little things like that which could work for you.

You may be doing some of these things already, but I wan't you to know I remember feeling so frustrated when I was experiencing this. I felt like I was in a black hole from which I could not escape. I can totally relate to Lucinda when she says, "I was afraid to live, and afraid to die." I know it's easy to give advice, but the program really worked for me(and I had tried myriad other programs and medications, none of which worked). In my worst moments I was always able to do whatever I had to do at work. My anxiety never stopped me, only my fear of my anxiety, which is very powerful.

Good luck! I'm rooting for you!


Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:50 pm
by jettablue
I can totally relate to regression. I was just wondering how you are doing now?

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:38 am
by tawascove
I a :? m having the same problem. I have trouble even talking about it. I realized just this morning JUST how bad I have become. I can go to Walmart but I have panic attacks in line! I do the breathing ,but its the going through ALL of the steps that gets me into trouble. I am just frustrated right now. I even get panic attacks at home sometimes.This REALLY has me wondering about my recovery ,if I can do this! Help please! :oops:

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:39 am
by tawascove
sorry about the large font!!!! Yikes!

Re: sudden regression- can't even leave my house!

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:37 pm
by Orion510
I find that this happens to me many times when I am facing my anxiety. I advance forward and then go two steps back. Perhaps you need to look inward and find the reason for the regression. I know that I sometimes regress b/c I am afraid of the panic, and know that going through this program will make me face it, and in the process I will have panic attacks. Knowing the reason for the regression makes it a little easier to deal with.

I would start by acknowledging your accomplishments. Even if you are only going a mile and turning back, that is still something. Perhaps start by planning to drive a mile, when/if the panic attacks starts, pull over and try relaxation techniques. When the panic is under control, ride again.

Remember that the anxiety may feel scary, but it cannot hurt you. It will eventually pass.