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Prozac and heart beat

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:07 am
by luvu4u2003
I think my main cause of anxiety and panic is that I constantly feel like my heart is going to pump straight out of my chest. My heart does not beat regularly either. It feels like it skips beats. My doctor insists that this is panic disorder. I have heard of certain meds effecting the heart so I have not started my prescription of prozac yet. Has anyone experienced anything liike this? Wondering if my meds will make the wierd beats go away or make them worse.
I am leaving for vacation in a week and I am afraid that if I start the meds it will ruin my vacation. What has been your experiences with prozac?

Re: Prozac and heart beat

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:57 pm
by ashleyserafina
I have been on prozac for over a year...i tried zoloft and stopped it within a few days...i started prozac at 20mg and got up to 40mg...i have gotten much better but i don't know if it is the prozac or just time passing by and be getting stronger...i do get night sweats, but everyone is different...i've decided to get off of them and i will be tapering off this next week...i reccomend NOT taking SSRI's like prozac because after a certain amount of time has passed, you never know if you are better or if the pills are helping you to do better, which makes you anxious to get off of them. I am going to try a more homeopathic approach such as LUMIDAY. and i can't take that if i'm on prozac so that is my main reason for getting off of it, as well as seeing if prozac has really been helping me or if i've gotten better on my own...

IF you have panic attacks...i say take the immediate relief pills...i've never taken them...i just want to control it on my own...but if you're starting this program, i really recomeend not starting pills until after you have tried to defeat this on your own.

Re: Prozac and heart beat

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:10 pm
by mbwillow1
I have been on prozac for well over six months. It's my second time on it and it has always worked well for me. I've never had any side effects, except for some very mild stomach upset which is no big deal at all. I'm grateful for the medication.

Re: Prozac and heart beat

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:31 pm
by hotgirl
i just started prozac. this is my second time on it. only been on it for 2 days and im scared. my heart has been racing. not sure if its just cause im scared or if its the med. thinking about stopping it. i dont like feeling this way. my doc said give it a couple weeks for my body to adjust.

Re: Prozac and heart beat

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:52 am
by jkulag
Several years ago I took Prozac for a few weeks. I had the same kind of feelings and so I got off of it. Later I read in the book Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns that one of the side effects of Prozac is anxiety and agitation. Then I understood why it had affected me that way. Sometimes all you need to do is lower the dose for those side effects to go away. I would talk to your doctor about it. jkulag