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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:36 am
by eniee
Okay.. so i'm only 17, & I really am not sure if this is going to help me or not. I have panic attacks everyday and they are horrible most of the time. I just finished session 2, and so far i do like the program. I'm also wondering if i'm going too fast, and when i should start session 3? HELP!


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:41 pm
by sleepyby8
I'm sorry that you are experiencing anxiety at 17 but so happy you are using the program. This will be life changing for you and you will develop skills to use for the rest of your life. Be sure to do your homework and don't go too quickly....we need to change our bad habits of over analyzing and negative self talk...and that takes time. Be proud of yourself for every little positive change!


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:46 pm
by THH
So good you are aware that you need to learn better coping skills! I wish I had that at your age. I'm 53 and finally found what I need! LOL... It is very individual. Everyone has their pace they go through the program. I spent a week on some and several weeks on others. I tried to make sure I got the lesson and how it applies to my life before moving on to the next session. It is all very helpful. Change your thoughts change your life!
Post read other post esp. ones that you can relate to. Relax, and learn how to float with the panic and breathe and see they are not going to hurt you. There are so many people on here who will help you, you certainly are not alone!

Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon! :D


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:56 pm
by mmwillie928
THH, I like your suggestion of reading posts, especially ones you can relate to. i like it because sometimes i don't want to come on this forum even though Lucinda strongly suggests it, and it is partly because i feel weighed down like i have to try and help people solve their problems on here and i feel heavy after reading about their problems. but i know one time a lady from StressCenter told me to go on here if i wanted to, and to hear you say, especially read ones that you can relate to, well that makes so much sense.
thank you for your input! :D


Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:36 pm
by sleepyby8
I'm finding it very helpful to be more active on the peer support site...I'm feeling not so alone and hopeful! I've actually worked three full days this week and am very proud of myself. Very little anxiety and no fear of climbing the steps each morning to my office...that is a big accomplishment. I have even done this while my daughter is still ill and sick at home. Today, I have a little more anxiousness in my chest as we just found out one of our coworker's lost her daughter today. Her daughter was 29 and died during childbirth. I take on others pain so easily and it reminded me so much of the loss of my own daughter but I keep telling myself that it is okay to feel sad and anxious...this was the loss of a human life and I should feel sad. I just need to keep it in perspective.

Thanks to all of you who respond to posts...I think by helping others we help ourselves and validate the changes we are making in our own lives.

Hope everyone is doing well today!



Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:21 pm
by mmwillie928
your post was very encouraging to read. Thank you. Sometimes we needed to be reminded of simple truths, and you did that for me by reminding me that even though we feel deeply for others, that is ok and we need to keep it in perspective.
thank you,
PS. hope to see you on here again.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:49 pm
by sleepyby8
Glad you are feeling more encouraged...this anxiety struggle is a long road but we can make our way out of it. I've been having a few bad days lately...drs upped my meds and the side effects make me more anxious...go figure! I've also started seeing a therapist and we are working on the self talk and scary thoughts...keeping things real. I have an appt this afternoon which makes me anxious but I always feel better afterward. Sometimes I think we just have to figure out what triggers our anxiety and take it apart and make it not so scary. For me I'm finding it is chronic illness/death. Now to get it to not scare me! Hope you are having a good week! The sun is shining here so that makes my mood much better. Carrie