Mini Panic Attacks?

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by EricC » Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:59 pm

I've got pretty good at halting FULL BLOWN panic attacks through breathing techniques, but often, it doesn't completely halt the attack.

Has anybody else experienced mini panic attacks? Sometimes after exercise (exercise really sets me off), I'll start to become conscious of how my body is feeling as I cool down. This can send me into a panic.

Today I began slow diaphragmatic breathing just after my workout and I was able to avoid a full blown panic attack, but I still experienced tingling in my hands and feet, shaking/trembling, and a slightly elevated heart rate (between 90 and 100, rather than 60-70).

These feelings lasted for about an hour before they began to subside. I kept using the breathing techniques off and on, but my body felt as if it was on the edge of a panic attack the whole time, I just never moved into a full blown panic attack.

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by Racer23 » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:28 pm

I have mini panic attacks all the time. Everyday I get that tingly feeling in my hands. I hate it. I have found also that the breathing techniques help me keep from having a full attack too. So no your not the only one who has these mini attacks. I havent figured out yet how to get rid of these. My biggest worry is keeping the full blown ones away. How do you keep yours away other than the breathing, anything?

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by bklynbee » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:52 am

I have these attacks as well. When I first feel it coming on depending on how I react to it will determine the outcome of the attack. If I get all worked up and start pacing and taking my pulse and panicking the attack lasts for at least an hour. If I lay down or sit and start doing deep breathing and try to concentrate on something else it usually lasts a few minutes but I will have that feeling that Im on the edge and at any moment the full blown one is coming. When I have those days I just try to tell myself its just a bad day and I will be better tomorrow. It is so easy to say these things to yourself when you are calm but when you are in the full blown attack it is very hard to do.

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by Racer23 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:47 pm

That is a big problem I have....I can hear all these things about talking your self down and being positive and all this stuff. but when you are freaking out, that is the hardest thing to do. I dont know how to get by that, how to make myself focus and believe it will be ok when im in the middle of an attack. when your calm it all seems so simple...

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by bklynbee » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:12 am

racer23 I think that is the biggest obstacle for us....I think once we figure out how to get control during the attack the rest
will take care of it itself....Im hoping if I practice it enough it will just come naturally.

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by Snootyboots » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:13 pm


I have found the Feeling Better Fast CD a real anxiety/panic stopper. It is incredible! Also, A.A. helps to keep a balance in my life and I see a Pscyhologist every other week. Before starting the 15 week course, I was seeing him once a week and white-knuckling it until the next visit. No more! Praise the Lord! Snootyboots

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by tommy_riley » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:46 pm

Most of my physical form of anxiety (tightness in chest, nervousness) has subsided with the complete removal of all benzo's - no more ativan, valium, benzo related sleeping pills (restoril), etc.

I stopped taking ativan about a month ago and started feeling much better physically, two weeks ago I was taking restoril for a few nights to help with sleep and my anxiety returned, thats when I looked up restoril and found out it was a benzo as well. So I stopped taking that and now almost all of my physical symptoms are gone.

I still have mental anxiety (mostly over work, lack of motivation, bills, and fatigue causing me to not want to do anything) but this is pretty minor compared to the physical symptoms I was having - they would not be full blown panic attacks, but they would debilitate me to the point where I could not focus on work or doing anything with my kids when they were over.

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by tardy » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:45 pm

well, i have managed to let this go on so long, that i haven't been able to function, and in danger of losing my business and am so over my head in debt i don't know how to get out.. i am too stressed out to figure out how to get out of it.. some people don't have a real reason to have panic attacks, i do.. what to do?

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Re: Mini Panic Attacks?

Post by awake2 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:16 pm

Hey Eric,

Just a FYI, cooling down from exercising can produce some panic like feelings. I read it in an article a couple months ago, along with some other interesting body sensations haha. You can probably find more info about it online. It's normal, but maybe you're body senses it as a trigger. Hope that helps

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