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took 2 weeks to finish my first session

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:55 pm
by JavierTapia
Hello everyone, i've just recently discovered this site. I've orderdered the program back in early 2000 but never really had the chance to start it. the fardest i ever gone was to session 2, i always kept on making excuses and just forgot about it. It always gets in to my mind that i should start whenever i get that really bad panick attacks. I hope it does really help me because i think i've been living with this condition since i was 11. I vividly remember my very first panick attack one night when i was watching tv with my parents and i just needed to get fresh air becuase i just had a hard trouble breathing. It has haunted me through my high school years and till now. I just wish this helps, because i know that if i can deal with my anxiety i can be a better person. I would appreciate any support. thanks.

Re: took 2 weeks to finish my first session

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:57 pm
by Guasho
What's up Javier?

I took me two weeks as well to finish my first session, but let me tell you something, keep going and don't wait! I felt like if i was no ready start session two but i did it anyways, session two is awesome!!! I finally get over my panic attack. Even if you feel that you are loosing interest in this beautiful program KEEP GOING!!! do exactly what they tell you even if you feel that is not working believe me IT DOES. All you need is confidence. I had the same problem!

Re: took 2 weeks to finish my first session

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:10 am
by sunnyw/chanceofstorm
I'm experiencing the same thing...taking twice as long as I should to move along. I think it is the perfectionism partly. We feel that we have to understand it perfectly. I remember hearing somewhere in the program, "keep moving" but also remember hearing, "Celebrate any progress & don't put too much pressure on yourself". I think there's a delicate balance there. Even though I don't experience panic attacks per se, I'm going to finish this session and move on. I was in a depression right before the program arrived. I think just the hope that the infomercial conveyed was enough to pull me out of that. I've been doing excellent since then. I do get excited and hyper but am so far able to get at least 5 hours of sleep even when in this state. You've probably put a lot into what you have done so far and you need to pat yourself on the back! Maybe that's why we're skeptical about pushing forward- we haven't received permission and encouragement from ourselves to do so. We are our safe place & safe person. We've done very well to get to session 2, so let's reward ourselves, celebrate and look forward to session three!

Re: took 2 weeks to finish my first session

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:44 pm
by BEP
Please try to move on to the next week even if you don't feel ready. I ordered this program in January of 2008, didn't even open it for a year, then would start but moved so slowly that I never finished. After a few months I'd start again, but spent so much time on this lesson or that lesson that I never got past Session 8! I could have been over this condition by now had I just kept with the program as suggested. I am now on session three, moving right along, using the workbook and relaxation tapes like never before and am making progress, discovering things I missed before - even when I was spending weeks on one Session!

Good luck and keep going, spending only one week on each session. As Lucinda says, "You may not think you are ready to move on, but you are."

Re: took 2 weeks to finish my first session

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:17 pm
by neojibwa
I'm still working on session 2 and I am going into my third week. There is nothing that says healing is on a small time frame. Just keep trying each day and don't get down on yourself about not finishing in a specific time. It's ok to take your time.