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New here, need some partners

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:21 pm
by deckcrafter
I've been having anxiety/panic attacks for about 20 years now and just within the last month realized that is what has been bothering me for so long. Countless doctor visits with every kind of specialist imaginable. Drugs, drugs and more drugs and nothing helped until I was given Xanex. Seemed to help a little. My panic attacks come on suddenly and seemingly for no real reason. Cold sweets, cant breath, heart pounding, extreme weakness, dizziness, confusion and so on. They are so intense sometimes it takes weeks before I feel better. I've been on disability for 3 months while doctors prodded and poked me and finally I'm trying to come to the conclusion its ME. Stresses from work, commuting, family, the news media literally drove me to drinking a lot. I've been sober now for only a few weeks and just started this here program. I want to get rid of these demons in my life and just looking for someone to chat with who has had similar experiences. Its reassuring to now know that I'm not the only on going through this mess.

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:03 pm
by melissa225

I'm also new to this program and am looking for some partners and get that support because I still have those days where I have a little anxiety of feeling like I'm going to lose everything. I'm trying this program because its my last resort because like you said doctors can pock and prod all day but they can't find nothing wrong. I suffer from migraines because of my depression and anxiety. So if you need a partner let me know I'm a great listener and talker :)

Hope things go well for you,

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:49 pm
by Germaine
Hi, I'm Isabelle
I'm new here also. Can also relate to your symptoms and feelings, get them all myself. I'm also looking for some partners to talk with and hope we can be of help to each other.
Love to hear from you

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:15 am
by melissa225
Hello Isabelle,

How are you? My name is Melissa and if you ever would like to talk or need support just let me know....I'm a good listener and also like I said in my post before am also looking for people to be able to talk too. Hope your having you a great evening.


Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:28 pm
by Germaine
Hello Melissa,

So nice to hear hear from you. I'm not only having some problems with getting going on the program, also confused about exactly how this layout of "talking" with others works. Its my understand that will be having regular chat rooms in a couple weeks which I think makes it so much easier to communicate. I hope you have a good evening too, mine is pretty good , had some "problems" yesterday but am working on the tools to get them settled down.
Hope to hear from you again soon.

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:03 pm
by deckcrafter
Hello Melissa and Isabelle.
Thanks for the response. I have had a hard time getting going on this program too. Made it through season 3 but then seemed to loose interest. I have not been on this site for awhile. It didn't seem to offer a lot of support when I last checked it out. I've been felling better. Changed my diet and have been sober for 6 weeks (I know it doesn't sound like long, but it feels like a long time) lost 18 lbs. and starting to feel slightly better about myself. Still have not been able to land a job though. I have sent out 68 resumes and had 2 interviews. Not sure if the chats up yet but would welcome the mutual support. Hope to hear from you both soon.

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:24 pm
by tommy_riley
Hey everyone,
I'm finishing up session #2 and would also like some partners.

I'm going a little slow through the program, but am feeling like the positive self-talk has been helping already with self-confidence, general happiness, and lowering my anxiety (and talking myself through it).

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:11 am
by deckcrafter
Hi Tommy,
Glad to see the program seems to be working for you. I need to get motivated and continue on. I've lost a bit of interest in listening to the cd's, but will keep on trying. Kind of wish there was more "instruction" than "testimonials" in the cd's. It gets a little boring to me at times. Short attention span I guess... Keep in touch.

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:16 am
by deckcrafter
Is it just me or what? As I'm looking at my posts, man I'm negative! Years of conditioning, Guess it really does help to right your thoughts down. Wow.

Re: New here, need some partners

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:27 pm
by melissa225
Hello all,

As for you Deckcrafter no I don't think its just you. I can be a little negative too and I'm glad to hear you have been sober for 6months I know that is a long time to stay sober but stay strong and know you have a friend if you ever need one. I know I've kind of lost interest and I'm only in the 2nd session and should have finished up last week. I haven't been feeling motivated and honestly exercising has never been my thing so I still haven't even tried to start exercising so maybe that is some of my problem but if I want to lose weight usually I have no problem just not eating for a few weeks and lose the weight I need. I know that isn't healthy but that is just how I've always done it. I've never really ate properly either so I'm just having too many obstacles and I think the biggest obstacle is me lol. Well if anyone wants to chat, since the chat isn't up you can send me a private message and i'll give you my personal email address. Hope everyone is doing well!
