new to the program

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Re: new to the program

Post by janice123 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:47 pm

im back

im starting the program again. This time im sticking to it. I made the mastake of stopping half way through, and i know now that with the program i will get through these panic attacks and live life again.

with God help as well.
Never give up

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Re: new to the program

Post by keepsmilin » Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:55 pm

Good for you! Keep going :)

I paused after completing session 9 because I got a new job and had insaaaane training to do, so had no time to learn and do homework and so on. Now, four weeks later (like I expected) I am back on it as usual and doing pretty much all I am really suppose to. I know you can do it. Just keep going and try make it fun/experimental/interesting and light hearted if you can.

All the best to you!

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Re: new to the program

Post by samcat » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:50 pm

Sure, it is easy. Just read whatever is interesting to you. If you have a question, ask it. Someone will most likely answer you back and most of the suggestions are usually good ones. If you read a post and feel like giving some input, just go ahead and do it. None of us judge each other on here--we are all in the same boat and want to help each other. Some of us are further along and have more experience using what the program teaches and some of you are brand new and feel bewildered and are feeling more anxiety, which is totally normal. Don't worry about it--just keep working the program. Personally, I have been over it several times and have learned something new each time. Sometimes, the first time, something goes right over my head and I "get it" the next pass. Don't try to be perfect, work at your own speed and do the homework. That is a key--you can't just read or listen to the lessons, you have to do the work! Ugh, hard to do because we are going to face some stuff we don't want to face, but that is how we get better.

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Re: new to the program

Post by samcat » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:00 pm

Oops, haven't been on here in a while and did not pay good enough attention. My reply just before this one was to ruselslus at the end of page 1. He/she posted it Jan. 7, 2012. Didn't notice that this post went on for 5 pages. Anyway, it still applies to anyone who is new to the program and unsure of how to use the peer support group. In the beginning, we are are all just finding our way, but you will get comfortable with it soon enough. When I joined back in 2009, we had a completely different format and that is the one I am used to.

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Re: new to the program

Post by keepsmilin » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:31 pm

Samcat, thanks for your input :) :)

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Re: new to the program

Post by LyndaLu » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:40 pm

keepsmilin wrote:Good for you! Keep going :)

I paused after completing session 9 because I got a new job and had insaaaane training to do, so had no time to learn and do homework and so on. Now, four weeks later (like I expected) I am back on it as usual and doing pretty much all I am really suppose to. I know you can do it. Just keep going and try make it fun/experimental/interesting and light hearted if you can.

All the best to you!
How did you get back on track after a month of not working on the program ?
I am asking this because I was struggling on Session Nine for a while. It is a tough
chapter for me and I had just listened to the CD a couple of times and read the
chapter once. I read all about the homework for this Session and I panicked and
got all depressed. This is a tough Session for me. In the meantime, a family member
was in the hospital and so now I am even two more weeks behind where I really
want to be on the program. I feel like I am at a stand-still and I can't move on.
I know I cannot quit, because I have 7 more Sessions to complete ! I am exhausted.


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Re: new to the program

Post by keepsmilin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:37 pm

I picked a day where I had nothing much else to do (so...a day off of my two jobs...).
I picked Sunday. I was up and about and I kept busy throughout the morning, enjoyed some sunshine, then I came back home and got right down to it. I knew that if I wanted to gig and record my music starting August...I'd better get back to the program(so i could finish near the end of july). The sooner I suffer through this now, the sooner I'll be oh-so-healthy and happy. And I have faith that the program works..because it HAS BEEN working. I am already so healthy and happy...but could be even more... So...knowing that I'd have nothing to lose and soooo much to gain, got me going. You can do it. Pick a day and just start. Just do it. It'll maybe make your heart beat a little faster at the beginning...but know you are working on bettering yourself, your life and your QUALITY of self and life :)

Hope this helps!

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Re: new to the program

Post by keepsmilin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:38 pm

PS: I am exhausted too...I believe that's completely normal. We're learning a ton and fighting and practising and letting feelings float...and we're re-creating our mind's way! :)

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Re: new to the program

Post by LyndaLu » Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:34 pm

I have been letting myself go for a long time now. Seems like I am giving up in a bad way.
My apartment lease ends on September 31st and I have to figure out what to do. Instead of
working on myself I am worrying all of the time and watching television. One day goes by,
and then the next. January, February and March weren't too bad and I was more proactive
with getting things done in my life, improving myself and working on the program.
April and May just flew by with no progress. June started out negatively. I feel guilty.
I feel guilty because a family member is supporting me financially since my unemployement
benefits expired in May. I am full of guilt and worry. Going downhill. I just don't
want to think anymore. Every day I am tired. I am so tired now.
My way of life could be over in four months. Why don't I want
to help myself.

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Re: new to the program

Post by keepsmilin » Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:47 pm

Keep searching for a job. Think positively. Remember your guilt mantra...if you don't have one make one up. Every time I feel guilt I say "I am a great person. I deserve to be guilt-free. I love myself unconditionally." It helps. Try it or write and memorize one yourself. Three to four sentences.

I really think if you become financially secure, you'll feel self-sufficient and sustaining and that'll bring confidence. Keep job hunting :)

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