These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by mcshope » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:19 am


So here we are, ready to start this project. The BBL Project. This project is the idea of a group of people that have gone thru the program at least once. We found out that having the support of other people made the process more enjoyable and increased our desire to keep working to improve our abilities and finally live without the fear of anxiety. It is nice to know that there are people willing to listen and share their experiences.

The BBL Project is open to anyone who is going thru the program. We are now on session 2 and we will start a new lesson every week. We are following Lucinda's Program the way is meant to be, listening to the sessions, reading the lessons, completing the assignments. This is just an space to share your experiences and progress.

We would like to support each other, share our progress and continue growing and learning. If you have anything to share, join us, we learn a lot from other people's experiences. :D

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Post by mcshope » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:38 am

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:15 pm

The rules for the building a better life project are simple;

-Have fun and do whatever you can to build the positive feelings

-Share your experiences with the action assignments (they are there to help you overcome the obsticals so you can have more fun)

-You are the one who is in charge of what you want to share and what action assignments you want to do. Do as much or as little as you want

-Keep this place a safe place where we share positive things. If you are talking about a negative situation or limitation focus on where you want to go. Focus on solutions as opposed to the details of the problem

-Magnify the good things and do your best to find the positives in life

-If you are feeling very negative, use the Letting go thread to vent that negativity and get it out. You can check out the responses of other people but don't try to fix their problems as it can alienate them but instead its ok to listen, ask questions and empathize ... 67#p711167

-If you want to ask for advice you can definately do it here

-If something is bothering you about the forums you are very welcome to PM me

-Post to whatever you want to post to but don't force yourself to respond when you really don't want to. Only do it when it feels right to do it. People are going to get recognition and their posts are getting responded to.

-The most important thing is to do whatever you can to make yourself feel better and to enjoy yourself. Getting everything done is not so much important. Have fun, be silly! Think of it more as a party than work!

Mike's words of Wisdom
"You cannot take away lacking but you can seek out and add to your life that which you didn't have before" By this what I mean is to focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. When you constantly focus on what it is you don't want then all you see is what you don't want and the things that are going right you don't even notice or appreciate or even feel good about. Whenever you don't want something, you want something so focus on what you do want. If you don't want anxiety, depression and these negative feelings and situations then what is it you do want?

"Suppressing core parts of yourself and denying yourself access to important parts of your identity serve only to keep those aspects knocking on the door to come out-- and often they emerge sideways. By sideways I mean doing tnad saying things to others unintentionally to hurt them or yourself and not being conscious about the damage you are doing. Suppressing important parts of yourself will cause you to damage your relationships with yourself and others--and worst of all, with your partners" (from 10 smart things gay men can do to find true love)
->I thing thats pretty direct but I can talk a bit more about that. Keep in mind that even though we don't like our negative side it is important that we don't try to supress it. Just like anxiety it is important to let the emotions come up, float with them and then let them go. What you resist persists.

Also If you are feeling extremely negative I would not advise to force yourself to come on here and read the positive things posted and watch the positive videos and such. It likely would only lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment, hatred, hopelessness and despair. I would suggest you go and post on the letting go thread (which is found in the link at the end of my posts) and post there or watch movies there or read some of the other posts. Let yourself experience the negative stuff and then get some relief and then come back and check out the positive stuff. You cannot add positive feelings to an emotional glass that is overflowing with negative feelings, empty your cup out a bit.

Now that we got that out of the way, enjoy yourself, have fun and the refreshments are in the kitchen! Don't worry for those lactose intollerant people I have got you some snacks too as well as the vegans and the vegetarians. Its all covered oh and please take your shoes off at the door!

Last edited by NinjaFrodo on Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:37 pm

Very nice to add the coaching video. You are doing a really awesome job mcshope!

By the way any feedback anybody has for the group will be greatly appreciated. Lets work together to make this a great experience for everybody!

By the way one thing I've learned from a set of forums for Sexually abused Males is how to handle negative emotions. What one guy said that makes alot of sense is that when he gets these really intense emotions he will go meditate, workout or something to allow himself to have the emtions and get them out. Another guy had mentioned that is is important to allow the emotions but if it becomes circular then its not so helpful. If it feels a bit diffrent in the intensity of emtions or the thoughts are slightly diffrent then that is a sign of improvement and progress and when its time to end the session one of the best thigns to have near by are funny videos. That is something I thought was very helpful and figured you guys might be able to benefit from as well as myself.

So for me today is so-so. Without going into great detail I had been struggling with a really intense fear the last week and its been a challenge to overcome but I seem to be able to get through it everyday and it helps me to uncover other things I'd be feeling and I'm able to get relief when I allow myself to feel that way. I actually posted on the Letting go Thread today and it was pretty intense but I do feel like I have listened to myself and have emptied my emotional glass a bit and I feel good about that. I'm probabbly have an off day today but I'm ok with that.

Having all the negative stuff come up the last few days actually helped me to write more for my book. There is something about getting into the heart of the painful feelings that just allow me to open up this creativity inside of myself. I don't know if everybody knows but I have started to write a book just about my experiences with being abused as well as the anxiety, depression and the path my life has taken. I've written about 26 pages so far, its not too much and i'm sure I'm going to edit things 1000000 times but its a good start and I feel really good about it! Its almost as if I'm talking to millions of people and talking to people who are suffering that I understand. When I write I just feel this deep connection to my core and to the world and it just feels so very right to do. Its like every cell in my body is saying "yes, this is what I want to do" and "yes, this is the right thing to do" and it is so very satisfying! I have so much I want to share with others, I have so much wisdom and experience gathered from going through my life's challenges that I passionately feel can help many people across the planet. I haven't really felt so confident that what I was doing was the "right" thing to do as I am feeling right now and I"m sure I'm likely to write in my book about this Building a Better Life project as well.

Something I realized from reading my book (10 smart things gay men can do to find real love) [which i had mentioned in the first post in this session] is about how denying a core part of oneself can actually make it come out sideways where we hurt other people unintentionally and don't even realize the damage we cause. I have done this so many times with mean "jokes", being judgemental, talking behind people's backs, giving guilt trips and many other things and I didn't really realize it. Its not good but I think it was the only way my mind was able to let go of the negative feelings I'd been carrying. I know that there were many times that I knew what I was doing was wrong but it just felt so good to do but then I would feel guilty and now I think i understand why. So I'm going to embrace this behavior and allow myself to do it on my own when I need to so I can get it out of my system. Its ok to be hateful and to be jealous. Sometimes it helps to be hateful as opposed to being guilty or fearful because its alot easier to get to sleep at night being hateful than it is to be fearful and guilty. So I'm feeling really good about that too!

Oh and I have my interview tomorrow to see if i get into that group therapy for the survivors of child sexual abuse, i'm really excited for that! I have so much hope invested in that. I can't wait to start that group and meet all those people, i'm sure it will be such a healthy place and hey I will even be able to share some of the coping mechanisms they teach to you guys and I'll also be able to share what I know with them. Hey maybe i'll eventually become a facilitator there and be in charge of my own groups and then make a career out of that! Who knows.

Today's video is; ... r_embedded The I LOve Lunch! The Musical!


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Post by mcshope » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:28 pm

Today was a good day... actually yesterday was good too. Yesterday I was a "busy bee"... I got in a cleaning mood, actually my house looks very nice. I guess I got the idea from Paislee.
Today I had my first tutoring session, it went good. I am excited about that.
After tutoring I went to the print shop to help my husband. I took a different route and I enjoyed the new view. It is amazing how many nice places are around my house that I never explored before.
Anxiety level this morning was maybe a 2... not bad.

I hope everything goes good with your interview.

I hope everyone is doing great.
Talk to you soon.


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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:00 am


Post by NinjaFrodo » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:08 am

Awesome Mcshope. A clean house feels so much more comfortable to be in and the sense of accomplishment is really nice too! And changing and adding some variety like you did with the driving is good too, very refreshing don't you think? So tell us more about the tutoring. How did that go? Did you have a plan setout before you did the tutoring sessions? Did you have to learn the material before you went into the tutoring sessions? What was the kid like that you were tutoring? What about it was exciting to you? Also I"m really amazed that your anxiety is only at a level 2...that is really awesome! I bet you couldn't have said that a year ago.

As for my interview it went well and actually I think I might have suprised the woman when she asked me about what I have done to help myself with the sexual abuse and I had a huge list for her and then she asked me if I have ever got a diagnosis from a psychiatrist for what i'm going through and I just told her that I always tell the doctors and psychiatrists and councellors what my diagnosis is, I don't need them to tell me and she laughed it was great! So ya I got into the group and it starts on the 18th. I'm really excited to start that and I will be able to connect with other people that have gone through similar suffering! That is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a relief.

By the way here is the video of the is really silly and kinda stupid :P


Karen L
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Post by Karen L » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:54 am

Hi everyone :D
been a busy week-end and beginning of the week here....have been getting out alot and driving, actually expanding my comfort zone alot....been to a few places I havent been to in months..funny thing is Im actually enjoying it and feeling empowered :D
what is really helping alot is giving my 15yo control of driving while Im in the passenger has its moments of anxiety, which is normal for anyone driving with a new driver, but it is letting me practice not being in control :D
it also gives me alot of time to just talk to my 15yo..she really is a good kid :D
funny how now I am starting to see things more positive...yeah!!!!

Hope.....Im sooooo glad to hear you started tutoring!!! I can relate to the exploring seems like Im finally seeing some things clearly :D and actually appreciating the beauty :D
Ive been wanting to get back to yardwork but it has been raining here since Friday :(
pat yourself on the back Hope cuz you are doing awesome!!!

Mike.....that is totally cool about the interview!! Im glad it went so well and Im really hoping you get in because it would be a great experience for you, but also I really believe you would contribute so much with all your experience and knowledge!!
btw, congrats on starting the will be a success and you will impact many, I just know it :D
you really have something special Mike, dont ever let anyone tell you different :D

well, almost 1am here......the girls are on Easter vacation here so I finally was able to get the computer away from them lol
so Im off to bed....

Life is Good!!!

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Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 10:53 am


Post by THH » Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:17 pm

Hello everyone!
I too have been busy too. A friend is re-dry walling my kitchen ceiling and painting it for me. What a mess, but when it is done it will look so nice. I also am changing the lights around as well, taking a ceiling fan out and adding another light. I am excited about that.
It is a mess now but that is the way you get to something nice.
Mean time, My Easter plans have exploded and I am hosting the Easter dinner!!!! Wahooo what a ride this is going to be!
Funny thing is I don't care. ( that is

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well and advancing with their lives. We can do this!!!
FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real

I enjoyed the videos you all have posted. I'll look for something to post. ;)

Posts: 860
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Post by THH » Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:18 pm

Ok, here is my wild and crazy pick for today! I enjoy the zany!
puts me in a good mood every time. :mrgreen:

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Post by NinjaFrodo » Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:44 pm

Action Assignments
1) Listen to your lesson tape at least 3 times this week. Watch section 2 of volume 1 coaching video. Listen to your relaxation tape 3 times daily

2)This week we need to begin tapering off caffeine and high sugar foods and drink. You may need 2 or 3 weeks to accomplish this. If you are smoking or using alcohol to "calm down." it is time to start charting this and decrease your dependence on these negative behaviors.

3) Initiate the beginnings of a daily exercise routine. Check with your doctor regarding the best beginning for you

4) Morning meditation. Begin each day: get up fifteen minutes before your household gets busy, sit in a comfortable chair, choose either a spiritual image or an aesthetic one (pink clouds), close your eyes and see the peaceful scene you have chosen. If an intrusive thought occurs simply say calmly, "Goodbye, it's my time to relax." Refocus. You may choose a mantra and repeat it over and over. For example, simply the word "peace."

5) Precious, present moment living is a healthy habit. You can stress and depress yourself just lying in bed! This occurs when you habitually mentally "live" in the future or in the past. When you focus all your attention on the here and now, it is difficult to feel either stress or worry.

Intrusive thoughts can be turned away if you consciously shift your awareness back to the present moment. Practice the next time you are in line, stopped at a light, feel overwhelmed or down. Notice the change in body symptoms as you change back and forth.

6) Move it meditation. As you begin walking, inhale and exhale deeply three times. Set a pace that is brisk but very doable. Begin each step saying, "One, two, one, two..." After 2 minutes, focus outward. Be fully aware of all that you see, hear, smell, feel (you can even taste the salt on your upper lip if you wish). After 5 minutes go back to , "One, two, one, two..." Keep this pattern, or one you design, for the duration of your walk

7) Picture peace. Choose several beautiful and detailed postcards or greeting cards. When you feel frazzled or frantic, sit down in a comfortable spot and focus totally on the details in your pictures one-by-one. Try this several times this week: notice how your body feels after just 10 minutes.

8) Down shift! Do everything this week at a slower pace, walking, speaking and thinking. (If you are feeling blue and sluggish, you may wish to do the opposite.) Make notes in your journal every day regarding this experience.

Choose a symbol or image that reminds you to slow down, a rosebud, or an old cane fishing pole. Put this symbol wherever you spend time: the bathroom (shaving, putting on makeup), rear view mirror, work room or in the corner of your computer screen.

9) Each day use your personal journal as directed in session one. Make a sincere effort to write down any new insights you have this week and in the weeks to come. Your journal will enable you to see themes, patterns, progress and growth. There is magic in writing.

Write for just 5 minutes. If you feel you cannot spare the time, maybe we've discovered one of the patterns in both thought and outward behavior that is causing some of your discomfort.

10)Some individuals report that they have found it to be very therapeutic to write a biography, including their experience with anxiety and depression

It is equally beneficial to write it again in 2 weeks, in 6 weeks, as many times as you feel the need to. Rule: do Not reread what you've written. Some find it helpful to destroy what they have written. This seems to symbolize letting go of the past and moving forward into a more peaceful future.

You will note the "story" gets shorter as you leave pieces on the "outsid." You will feel less of an emotional response. This means you are experiencing some closure and resolution.

11) Rate your panic attacks How severe are they 1-10

12) Time your episodes of panic. As you breathe (2-4), simultaneously count and look at a time piece. You will notice as the days go by the intensity and duration of panic decreases.

13) Identify the word or sound that you make everytime you experience the panic response. Change the word or sound to something comforting.

Keep in mind that these are all optional and try to view them as things that will help you to enjoy life more and building upon the goodness already in your life and help you to attract more of it!


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