Subway Anxiety

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Post by Paridygmn » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:41 pm



Bob-o Bingo
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:59 am

Post by Bob-o Bingo » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:22 am

Hey Rachel 75,

I'm just a small country boy who's visited the big city NYC a number of times. Believe me--a contry bumpkin like myself has PLENTY of anxiety issues when visiting the big city. (I'll bet you would have a lot to fear out here in cow country too--heh heh!) My worst NYC subway incident happened around 25 years ago and it was a thriller.

I wanted to go from the Times Square area 42nd Street up to around 86th(?) Street or so on the south end of Central Park, and got on the first subway that stopped at the platform. We got on and wondered why it was taking so long to leave. Finally the train took off heading North. We noticed that it was going really REALLY fast.

Then we noticed that it was zooming thru all the subway stations at full speed! It didn't take us too long to figure out that we accidentally got on the EXPRESS train instead of the LOCAL! Sure enough, when we got to the place where we wanted to get off, the train just kept on going at full speed thru our station! HELP!!!

Then we discovered that we were headed to the BRONX instead of the closest edge of Central Park. YIKES! All I knew was the Bronx was a tough place. It was full of local people who maybe didn't like a little white hillbilly guy like me butting into their territory. I was scared sh**less. I'm no racist or anything dumb like that, I'm just a country hick who's almost lost in the big city. PANIC!!! PANIC!!! PANIC!!!

I didn't know anything about stress reduction 25 years ago--haha! But I looked at the subway map on the inside of the car to try to make a plan. A black policeman came thru the car at one point and looked at me as though to say, "What in the heck are YOU doing on this train, white boy?!" I sure felt better when he was there, but he kept moving on thru the train.

Finally the train pulled to a stop around 125th Street (or maybe is was 250th?)... deep in the Bronx. I quickly jumped out of the car, ran up the steps and crossed over the tracks to the south bound platform, waited extremely nervously for the next train that would stop, and eventually got on a train that was headed downtown to more familiar territory that was well lit and much safer.

PHEW! That was one subway adventure that I'll never forget. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest! If I had it happen to me today, I'd be breathing like a hurricane and trying all the other stress-reduction tactics--haha! But the best thing is to not be such a dummy, and avoid getting on Express Trains when I need the Local! Live and learn!

I have to say that you must be pretty brave riding the NYC subway all the time. Way to go Rach!

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Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:25 pm

Re: Subway Anxiety

Post by bklynbee » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:00 am

Wow I thought I was the only one that suffered from this....I absolutely refuse to take the subway because I am so scared that the train will be stuck in the tunnel somewhere and i will get an attack that i wont be able to handle. The only way I go to the city is the express bus and I only go to the city when I absolutely have to.

Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:03 pm

Re: Subway Anxiety

Post by nycgal84 » Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:14 pm

The subway is one of the worst places for me. Before I even get on, I start getting worked up and think - what if I freak out - there are so many people - what if I pass out - there is no where for me to go! I get the anxiety on the way to work and on the way home. Yesterday I had the worst attack when waiting for the subway car to come - it took about 10 minutes, and then when it did come it was packed. I had to squeeze my way on to the crowded car, had no space to move and could feel my legs trembling. I made it through (obivously) but getting worked up each time I ride the subway is getting exhausting!!!

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