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Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:39 pm
by curlygirl
Hi everyone, tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. I have to go to court to have a FAST track evaluation done. That means that my 11 year old son, myself, my husband, and my son's father will be interviewed. I have taken my son's father back to court to try and get more custodial time with my son. Legally we have joint custody, but it has realistically I have my son 60% of the time while his father has him 40% of the time. I have a husband and a 2 year old along with my 11 year old. I have been married for 3 years and have been living with my husband for 4. He met my son when he was 3 because we were friends first. We have a home and a stable environment.
His father is single and has many girlfriends. He lives in 3 different homes, his mom's, girlfriends, and his place- so there is no stable environment. When my son goes with him on his custodial time, his father ends up dropping him off at the grandma's. This is only a little of all the ridiculous his dad has done.
I NEED MAJOR PRAYERS. I went to court in 2002 and have never done the evaluation process. All week I have felt anxiety and nervousness. Today, my body ached so much of anxiety and my head was spinning.
Please pray for me tonight and tomorrow. I need some positive thoughts,energy and prayers. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:54 pm
by Guest
I pray the judge opens his eyes to see the best place for your so is to spend more time with you. GOOD LUCK!!

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:26 pm
by Guest
Thank you. It went well today. My son will have 2 3 hour visits with his dad on Tue. and Wed. and will only see him every other weekend. So I gained Wednesday overnight and my Friday for my weekend. Thank God the evaluator saw through everything.