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Avoiding parks & playgroups

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:07 am
by S3anne
Are there any other parents who avoid taking their kids out to parks & playgroups, parties, etc.? I find myself doing this a lot lately. I was just in a toddler playgroup the other day and I almost lasted the entire 1 1/2 hours, but the anxiety was too much and when my son had a melt-down at story time, I used it as an excuse to whisk him away & leave. Some outings are easier than others, say when my depression isn't so bad - but lately, it's difficult to even open the curtains in my living room. I would like to hear from other parents on the Program. I'm currently on Week 2.

Re: Avoiding parks & playgroups

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:23 pm
by mark167
Hi S3anne,
I have been avoiding doing things with my kids for the better part of the last 5 1/2 years thanks to the chronic depression I have. Most of the time I just don't feel like doing anything myself or don't have the energy for it, and my kids end up staying inside with me. I feel so guilty and regretful about this, feeling like I have robbed them of a lot of their growing up as 'normal' kids would. I realize it is not fair to them and I do know better, but I just cant seem to do better. I am a little more engaged with them when my depression lessens, but that doesn't happen often. I would do better myself, and for them, if I worked my program. I have gone thru it once already but need to do so again. I need to do it for my own good, and theirs too. All I can suggest from what I have learned is to not beat myself up for the past, to let it go, and to set realistic expectations and to keep moving slowly forward, one step and one day at a time, and in time that 'normal' life will return.

Re: Avoiding parks & playgroups

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 12:34 pm
by S3anne
Things are a little better now, but I feel myself withdrawing again and pulling my kids in with me. I should be at the local gym right now for my son's class but I'm on here looking for some kind of comfort and to feel heard. I feel like I'm letting them (my kids) & me down and it's not just over this one class that we're missing. I know I should focus on the positive things I've done for us over the past few weeks since I first posted here - but I'm in a strange mood right now & feeling... I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now. It's like I'm sitting on a fence. On one side is my old habits of depression and on the other side is all the wonderful things I know I could be if I could just maintain the great lessons I'm learning from this program. I'm about half-way through the program right now (which is where I stopped my first time around 10 years ago). I'm out-growing my old habits of falling into deep depression over small set-backs, but I'm not yet confident enough to jump over to the other, positive side. Maybe this is a normal part of the process, like an awkward growth spurt, or something? I don't feel bad, I don't feel great, I just feel...? :?