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Worried mommyy to be

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:53 am
by jadee

Just wondering if anyone else had issues with anxiety and depression while they were pregnant? It seems that once I hit the half way mark in my pregnancy my anxiety has sky rocketed, and it seems as if my depression is creeping back up on me as well. Im having worried thoughts, usually at night time and its making it hard to sleep. I cant help but wonder if something is wrong with my baby, even though everything has gone smoothly so far. Its so hard to talk about this with family, because they dont really understand the way my mind works, I dont even know the way my mind works, or why it works this way. I have finally managed to quit smoking, which was very hard for me to do. It was my crutch in the past and I used my cigarettes as a way to calm myself. Its been a week since I quit, so I know I am still dealing with the emotional withdrawal of them, and the physical withdrawal as well. Also, the father of my baby who has been pretty much non existant throughout the course of my pregnancy has had a change of heart, and now wants to be a part of the babies life. This came as a surprise to me, but I am having a hard time trusting him considering the way he reacted to my pregnancy. Anyways, those are my two main stress factors right now and im having a hard time dealing :(

Re: Worried mommyy to be

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:54 am
by eugenieanna
I am only 9 weeks pregnant and have been dealing with off and on panick attacks, anxiety and Intrusive scary thoughts. I have no major stress factors in my life. My husband and I are great, my other two kids are wonderful. The only difference for me is, I'm pregnant. I had postpartum anxiety/OCD after my little girl 18 months ago, but have been feeling perfect for the last 1.5 years. So my onset symptoms were a shock to say the least. I took Lexapro for my postpartum and it worked really really well, but being pregnant I am trying hard to get control, so that I don't need medication while pregnant.

I have been told that pregnancy can heighten your sensitivity to anxiety as you are getting a big dose of hormones. As for your situation with the dad. Know that you can do it on your own if you have to. I have a 12 yr old son, who's dad I wasn't married to and he left me completely. No where to be found and I raised Luke by myself. It was challenging financially, but has created a bond with my son that is undeniable!

I have just started this program, but it seems to be based on strong foundations, so just plug ahead and keep your mind positive.

Also, I don't know if you are spirtual, but God has been a great help to me in some of my darkest days. My favorite bible verse to tell myself when I am scared is "God hath not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind"

Re: Worried mommyy to be

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:32 pm
by Luli
Hello Ladies!
I can say I had the most terrible pregnancy (sad to say) and post partum anxiety/ocd EVER! I had the most disturbing thoughts...scary, very scary thoughts. The fear of hurting my child was horrible. The fear paralized me and I couldnt eat, sleep or work. It was horrible, BUT with the right help everything is fine now! My son is 3 years old and is the light of my life! I know what your going throu and I want to let you know you WILL get better. My anxiety started when I was 3 months pregnant....I drove myself to the psych emergency room because I thought I was going crazy.

Ugh I cant even describe my feelings, fears and thoughts, but its all part of anxiety. Of course the depression came along because I couldnt not understand why I was suffering so much. I had in my mind that pregnancy was the happiest time in a woman's life...well, hormones ruin it, but it can be totally controlled!
I couldnt talk to no one because of the fear they would take my baby away, or think I was crazy.
Now I have a support group here in Dallas for mothers that go through this. One of the things that helped me the most was to talk to other moms that went through this and see they got better! HOPE is the best remedy!
Please, email me for any support!
You will get better, FOR SURE!

Luciana ;)