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Keeping the baby, scared out of my mind.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:13 pm
by jadee
Hi everyone,

So I just found out a week ago that I am pregnant. Came as a big shock to me because I am very careful when it comes to sexual relationships. The problem here is the father is not my boyfriend, but hes someone I have trusted for a very long time, we've known eachother since 6th grade and ill be 25 this year. Anyways, when I told the father, he was very unsupportive and I felt like he was trying to bully me into having an abortion. Ive always been prochoice, but there is absolutely no way I could go through with that. His lack of support is making me very anxious, and im scared to do this alone. My family supports whatever decision I make and I know I can count on them for help when i need it. I just need some moral support to help ease my anxiety. Please no judgemental or negative comments, ive heard enough of that from the babys father.

Re: Keeping the baby, scared out of my mind.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:21 pm
by ms2ndchance
Hello Jadee. I was in a similar situation as you. I found out I was pregnant the early part of this year and was terrified. I thought of having an abortion several times but I knew deep in my heart that I could not do something so cruel to my baby. My boyfriend and family is very supportive and I am glad to have them. What I wanted to tell you was that it is your choice. Please do not let anyone pressure you to do anything that you do not want. God will not put anything on us that we can not bear. There are plently of single mothers out there who are doing just fine. You can do it. If your baby father do not want to be a part of his child's life, then he is the one who will be missing out on a wonderful blessing. I am eight months pregnant and I am so ready to hold my baby girl in my arms. When you hear your baby heart beat for the first time it's something that you will cherish for life. You and your child will be fine!!! Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy...

Re: Keeping the baby, scared out of my mind.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:38 pm
by Momof2cuteboys
Hi will be okay!!

Just follow your heart, take time for yourself and remember that all "unplanned" pregnancies are really "planned" by God. I know this is something unexpected in your life, but just because it is unexpected doesn't mean it's not something that can be a blessing in one way or another ;)

For example, I am not able to have children...both of our boys are adopted (3 and 4 years old) and it's all because two wonderful women went ahead with something that wasn't planned,but they knew that something amazing could come of it all.

Whether you keep the baby or go through adoption, no matter what I know your life will be blessed in a million ways. It's okay to be scared...later scared will turn into excitement one way or another! Hang in there girl and just know you have a lot of support here :D

Re: Keeping the baby, scared out of my mind.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:11 am
by Momof2cuteboys
I also want to share something with you...

Before I met my husband he and a girl he was dating at the time after high school, found out they were pregnant. After a lot of talking and trying to decide what to do they both agreed to go through with an abortion. Now my husband deep down didn't want to, but also felt like when it came down to it it was her choice so they drove to the clinic. They both went in, but she wanted to go into the room by herself. Afterwards she came out, they didn't talk the entire 3 hour drive home. For weeks they couldn't face each other and to this day it's still something that is quite hard for the both of them.

My husband thinks about his baby all the time; his heart aches over the situation a lot. We are quite blessed with our family now, but it is something that will not go away ever. He wonders what the gender would of been, what the name would have been, would the baby look like him or more like her...I just want you to know it is something no matter what decision you make you will live with for the rest of your life.

Again, follow your heart, do what you truly truly feel is right, don't just do something because someone else pushes you in that direction because it is something you can not go back and change...ever.

A truly amazing song and a testament about this very topic is something I truly encourage you to listen to..."Lucy" by a band called Skillet.

I hope no matter what you chose to do that your heart will be at peace and your mind at ease and your heart in comfort. I pray that no matter you be blessed in every way imaginable and if you need to talk or need any more advice just message me ;)