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Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:09 am
by Serenity66
Welcome Cher and Stopping the Madness. This is NOT the norm. There are some WONDERFUL, LOVING, CARING individuals here. Please do not let this thread scare you off. I've received a lot of help here and do my best to reciprocate as well. There are people with many years of anxiety free living after having used the tools of the program. I encourage you to browse through other posts. There are many people with hope, strength and wisdom who will be very happy to support you.


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:21 am
by Malikye
Hi Cher and Stop.There are many other subject's here other than this :).Go to a forum that pertains to your specific concern's.You will get much support there. Good Luck :cool:......Malikye

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:06 pm
by Mimigirl
Hi Cher and Stop,
Welcome to the site and the program. Please do not let this post discourage you I have been doing the program since mid October and have been on the site since September and I have only once ever seen a thread turn into what this has. Please come on to the site often post questions or feelings and you will see that most of the people here are supportive and understanding. This became about much more than the question that was asked it became somehow personal but it does not reflect 99 percent of the threads or posts on this site. It is a wonderful program with an amazing support group so please don't let this thread be a base for judging the whole community. Take care and welcome may God bless you on your journey to wellness.
God bless

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:57 pm
by stressed out momma
Hey, to the original question...I have had anxiety and panic attacks off and on for 19 years. I am now sitting at this computer nursing my tenth child. You CAN do it! Especially since you will have the help of this program.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:18 pm
by Malikye


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:43 am
nursing my tenth child

WOW!!!! :eek: I am so impressed, I am wondering how I will handle my third child when he arrives, and my children are not home schooled. You are SUPER-MOM!!! :D


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:34 pm
by catdr71
hi stressed out momma, thank you for your post. you truely are an inspiration. i almost feel stupid worrying about my second and here you are with 10. wow. that really is amazing, even without anxiety it takes quite a woman to raise and educate 10 kids. good work my friend and i really do hope this program brings you the peace and happiness you so rightfully deserve. take care, cathy

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:53 pm
by nursekr
I just wanted to add something I have 5 kids 4 boys one girl they are 9,7,5,4 and 17 months and i have suffered with anxiety for 5 years> It is hard but yet I wouldn't change anything. They are my reason for living. Without them I wouldn't get up or do anything they keep me going. Its not easy but being a mom isn't easy for anyone even if you have anxiety or not. So please think about it don't base your decision on fear.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:33 am
by TryinginDenver
catdr71: I think everyone has given you good things to think about and I'm glad to hear you're moving forward. Just a bit to share... I too was in your situation when I decied to have a second child. I had to go on antidepressents after my first because my post-pardum was so bad - sadness, extreme mood swings, scary thoughts, extreme anxiety. The medication did help, but I had to get off once I got pregnant and unfortunately, I had severe anxiety and depression during pregnancy and after the birth of my second. What I did do, though, was to be honest with myself that I suffered from these symptoms. I had an action plan in place before my second was born. My husband and I agreed that I would get help at the first signs of post pardum and anxiety. We agreed to get me a sitter two days a week so I could go work out, do errands, and relax. I had an agreement that I could call my husband anytime at work with a code, "I'm having a bad day," that meant I was freaking out and he was talk me down and to come home as soon as possible. I had pledged to a friend that I would call her at anytime if I was starting to loose it. I talked to the doctor about possible anti-depressents. Make plans ahead of time to get you thorugh the tough spots. You also have this program, which I didn't at the time and it will help you manage your anxiety so much better than before.

Even with my plans, after my second was born, I did have some REALLY bad days. But I knew what it was, had experience with what worked and didn't and we worked through it.

Go forward with your plans for pregnancy knowing it WILL be hard to have two kids. Its double the work, stress and exhaustion. You WILL have bad days. You are more susceptable to post pardum with each pregnancy. However, know in your heart that you have the strength, knowledge and support to get through. You know having the coping tools. They may not prevent the initial triggers of stress and anxiety, but you will know how to manage them so much better than before. And know this, the hard part will pass. My daughters are now 14 months and 3 and 1/2. They play together beautifully while I cook and do other chores and life is actually easier than with one.

Finally, try to stop focusing on what might happen and if you can handle it. Start focusing on the fact that you want and will someday have NEW BABY. Think about it. Meditate on it. A NEW BABY. And the joy that it brings overcomes even the worst of days.

Best Wishes.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:46 am
by Allie3030
hello all! I am brand new to this program and it looks like I jumped into the right convo. I just found out a few weeks ago that I am expecting a baby in October. My panic attacks have gone through the roof, but for the babys' sake, I am trying to keep calm. I am sooooooooo nervous though...especially without the father's help