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Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:41 pm
by Chief Crazy Horse
We need more success stories here because they are a wonderful tool for all who struggle! I remember when...............yes I remember when going for a walk (even on a beautiful day), watching a ball game or movie at my cousins, or going out somewhere with friends, and so much of my past several years just plain stunk! Now I go for a walk and I feel so refreshed! We all need to continue to do our very best at eating right, sleeping well, getting our exercise for the body and mind, and doing the program here or somewhere. We all have something we believe in too, so meditate or do whatever it is that helps and don't give up. I believe in God, so if you don't, then do what it is that makes you feel at peace, and don't give up ever! Remember this, I would chat with someone or read a thread/post and say no way I can’t do that, I always hurt all the time.
I would tell people I DO WALK! I DO GET OUT! I DO ALL THAT STUFF AND IT DOESN'T MATTER! I hurt and this awful pain in my head of being all screwed up NEVER leaves! Well it does matter people, it really does. Because even though it's not helping you right then and there, it is helping to prepare your way and path. Practice-Patience-Perseverance

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:43 pm
by hopehound
I think this went into the wrong forum? oops.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:52 pm
by Guest
Chief Crazy Horse - - I agree with you. We need to hear positive stories of people working through their anxieties, panic and obsessive scary thoughts. I feel if you read a positive story, you will find something positive with your own situation - I know it helps me. I also agree that meditation helps. I use a guided mediation by Mary and Richard Maddux - this has truly worked wonders for me.


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:44 am
by Guest
I have a success story to share. In 1997 I was severely debilitated by anxiety - I reached a point where I could not eat, sleep or leave the house. I wasn't living my life, I was existing - and painfully. After completing StressCenter Program and using mindfullness techniques I have been anxiety-free for 11 years, despite divorce, job-loss, starting a new career and illness. These past few years have been especially challenging and recently because I stopped taking care of myself as I should, I experienced some anxiety. So I got out my Stress Center tapes and after listening to just the first tape, and looking back over my workbook, I felt a sense of relief - I beat this before, I can beat it again! Back in 1997 I was in such anguish with the physical symptoms caused by my anxiety. A good friend said that at some point I would look back on the experience and see it as a blessing. I thought she was crazy. But she was right. The skills I learned helped me to deal with not only anxiety and the daily stresses that fueled the anxiety, but also some huge obstacles that I encountered down the road. By modifying my thinking, and valuing myself, I truly feel empowered to live!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:19 am
by Guest

Heavy sad
Trouble talking to people
No shows, restaurants, parties, traveling, shopping, trying new things.

Fast forward 2 months

Inner calm
Inner peace
Going to malls
Riding the city bus
Leaving the house

This program and this forum have helped me so much in the last two months. Even though I have a best friend that I can talk to about anything, coming here and hearing about the success/accomplishment stories is so uplifting.

I have even gone to the chat room, which, as perfectionists, was very challenging. Try typing at the speed of Superman and not making a typo.

I know that I am not “there” yet, but I feel a new me emerging, which is a little scary because I guess I became comfortable with the way I was (I put up with the GAD, panic attacks for 8 years). But every day I wake up I look forward to the new day and look forward to seeing the new changes in me.

Thanks for the post Chief