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Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:02 pm
by Luli
Hello everyone! I am pregnant of 5 months now. I was soooo glowing happy 4 weeks ago. Memorial day I had my first panic attack and after that anxiety. started also having weird and scary thoughts about my little unborn baby. I love my son so much. I am also on medication that my ob prescribed me called Celexa. It seemes to have helped a lot already but I feel I am not completely myself yet. Also doing therapies. I want to get better as soon as possible. i worry what if I am still like this when he is born and i wont be able to take care of him properly. I cry and feel sad for the thoughts i had, usually they dont make any sense, just all very scary. I went to the psych Er two time because I really thought I was going crazy, but they told me is my anxiety. I just hope I will be fine. Please write me if anyone can relate to this! Thank you so very much!

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:26 pm
by Guest
Hi, I just want you to know I know what you are going through. Just found out i'm pregnant too. I'm going through the same thing I was on cymbalta then found out i was pregnant and stopped taking it. So I have been crazy. I just got the program and hopefully it will help me out. I hope things get better for you.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:38 pm
by Guest
Hello arlanza, thank you for your comment! I am taking Celexa now that my ob prescribed and things are better...I just get sad and frustrated with myself for feeling this way...but I know is not my fault, is the hormones, so we will be fine by the baby's bday! E-mail me for support if you need! Have a great week sweety!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:01 pm
by Guest

I'm currently 18.5 weeks along, and have been dealing with anxiety for years. I was on Xanax pre-pregnancy, but quit the day I found out I was pregnant. I can relate to pretty much everything that you worry really is all-consuming isn't it?


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:25 pm
by Guest
hello, i am currently 5 and a half months preggers as well.
i stopped my celexa i was taking once i found out i was pregnant, but lately in the last few weeks, i have been really struggling. i have been listening to my tapes, trying to exercise etc, to no avail.
i went to the dr. today, had to go to a walk in as my doc is off for 6 weeks vacation, anyways, they prescribed me celexa again and referred me to a psychiatrist to follow up with.
even though i know i need it, i am still struggling with fears about taking the meds.
and shame too.
and i also feel a little silly having to go a psychiatrist.
anyways, just wanted to join this conversation, as i can sooo relate.
i just want the very best for my baby me and hubby.
i just want to feel like me again

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:44 pm
by Guest
Hello -

I need some support and encouragement. I am trying to get pregnant - this is something I have always worried about...having trouble getting pregnant or not being able to. All my life I have had irregular periods - and last year when my husband and I started to try for a baby - I basically went into extreme anxiety and depression mode because I was scared of having trouble. At that time – I decided to go through this program and went back on Paxil. Well this past winter I went off the Paxil and I have been doing great! My OBGYN doctor put me on Chlomid to regulate my menstrual cycle and it has, but after 3 months on this I am not pregnant. This is my fourth month to try and then they are going to run tests on me. My husband did a semen analysis and he is fine. This month the doctor also wanted me to do an ovulation kit to see if I was ovulating...and to my surprise and excitement - I did ovulate, which I see as a good sign (because I was concerned about this). Anyways according to the test - my two most fertile days were this past Tuesday and Wednesday. Well my husband and I had intercourse on Tuesday, but on Wednesday - when we tried - it was so late and for some reason we couldn't do it - I think it was because of the pressure that that was the day and it was late! Also, I guess it took the spontaneity out of it – because we knew we had to do it. Anyways - after we tried and were not successful - I laid awake all night - worrying that I blew this month because we didn't do it the second day and then I worried that I wasn't getting enough sleep. I only got two hours of sleep last night because of my worrying - I kept thinking I blew it not only because we didn't do it the 2nd day, but also because one of my most fertile days was on Wednesday - when I got no sleep...and in my mind - I think that in order to get pregnant - I need to be relaxed and well rested. Now today - I feel so bad because I am tired and sick to my stomach and I feel bad because I kept my husband awake all night - and I know he is frustrated that I worry so much. He just wants me to relax, but I am worried that my lack of sleeping could have a result on getting pregnant.

I just feel like I blow my chances every month....I just want a baby sooo bad and so does my husband. (And everyone around me has a baby or is getting pregnant, which makes it harder.) We have only been on the chlomid for 4 months, but we have been wanting a baby for over a year or more. (We started trying last summer, but stopped while I went through the program and went back on medicine for some time. I then slowly got off my medicine and then we started actively trying this past winter/spring.)

Does anyone have any advice or encouraging words? I could use some now. Thanks, Kerrie

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:40 pm
by Guest
since you are on the subject of pregancy,if a person was pregant could he take any pain daughter has migarines and she is trying to get pregant and I was wondering because she does have some bad headaches and she takes imtrex she said the nurse told her she couldn't take it but she will need something are hopefully she won't have one

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:40 pm
by rose_thorn98
I just found out that I am pregant as well. Went to the doctor and I am very early, only 5 weeks. Since I have a history of failed pregancies, she has me on progesterone supplements (prometrium) and I am scared to death of the side effects. I also have fibroids
which was the cause of the failed attempts.

Interestingly enough, my anxiety has decreased over the last several weeks and I litterly sleep like a baby.

I am hoping and praying for healthy pregancies for me and all of us on this post. Remember to take your prenatals, drink lots of water, and orange juice, rest, and enjoy the ride :)


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:44 am
by Guest
I"m pregnant and suffer from anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attacks. I"m also taking Celexa - but it doesn't do a damn thing. I have Klonopin to take on an as-needed basis. I"m going to try and get myself help soon (maybe acupuncture, EFT specialist, regular psychologist). I had the same thing last pg and I was really sick - I"m praying that this time round I can control it better.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:32 am
by Guest
hey Luli. i can relate to your pregnancy experience. those hormones and chemical changes can make many women feel like they re going crazy. when i was pregnant i worried about whether i was going to spiral out of control and not be able to take care of my son after hes born(now 4 months old) but you know what? when he came the motherly instincts totally took over-its stronger than the anxiety and panic. the focus is shifted from yourself to your baby which is a wonderful and a beautiful thing. seeing him smile and taking care of him brings much joy. the hormonal and chemical changes are still hard for me but i use the program to help me through it. when i was pregnant i stayed busy doing fun things like swimming, playing cards and games, being with family and friends etc to get through the rough times. hope this gives you a little reassurance.