Has anyone bought the CD "The Sensitive Child"?

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Post by karenLeigh » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:55 am

I was just wondering if anyone had bought this?? I'm thinking about getting it .It was in the "Less Stress Press" booklet thing when I got my program. Has anyone listened to it or has anyone had success with there child with it??
My daughter told me this morning before school that her stomach was hurting and that it had been hurting for a few days. She has just changed to 2 new classes. I'm pretty sure that this is what's causing the stomach aches. I just felt so helpless this morning. Inside I was like "no, this can't be happening"..."what do I say". I tried to comfort her and told her to call me if she needed me. She's only 11yrs. old! I can't believe how early this stuff can start. Can anyone relate to what I'm saying?
"Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world".


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:32 am

I am interested in this as well. Yes, I can relate. pinkee


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:22 am

I can relate. I started having anxiety and panic attacks in kindergarten and everyday i would end up in the nurses office with stomach problems. Of course I didn't know what was going on and my mom had no idea it was anxiety until I got older. The only thing that helped me at that time was being with my mom. I've never heard of the cd but it certainly might be able to help. I think when i was 13 my mom found one of Lucindas tapes at the library that we both listened to.


Post by Guest » Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:06 pm

Please help me with this. I do have a sensitive child who is very observant and smart. He is in Kindergarten. We had the stomach flu around Christmas time and now he is obsessing about throwing up. He keeps asking me if we have the stomach flu, because he says he feels kind of sick. He hasn't lost his appetite and he plays fine most of the time, so I think it is in his head. He asks me if he is going to throw up all the time. I am too blame for this, since this is my phobia that he has picked up on. But now what do I do? I'm looking up this CD asap. Any help would be appreciated.

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