This forum is not "parents only", but it does focus on issues about parenting and children.

Post by Guest » Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:06 am



Post by Guest » Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:32 pm

Libran - Thank you for your post. It really gives me a lot of encouragement while going through my pregnancy. I truly believe I am stronger for what I am going through - I too never thought I could handle pregnancy and I am currently 19 weeks along. It has been quite an experience so far - it has been tough at times and I seem to worry a lot if I am doing what is best for my baby, making the best decisions, etc., but I know I can do it. I am trying to put my trust in God that things will work out and that I am doing the best I can - and that I don't have to be perfect for the baby to be healthy. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:00 am

Hi Everyone I'm 21 weeks pregnant. I'm due May 21st. I'm really feeling fat. :( I'm excited about the baby, I'm having a girl but when I look in the mirror :( I'm so bummed. And I worry about not being able to take the weight off after the baby comes (I am so vain). :(

Anyone else feel me here?


Post by Guest » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:22 pm

Hello! I have enjoyed reading all of your posts and they are very encouraging. I am 14 weeks pregnant and filled with all different emotions at different times. Occassionally lately scary thoughts or scenerios will pop in my mind but instead of just letting them pop out I tend to focus on them and start what- if thinking.And having negitive visualizations. Any advice on how to not feed these thoughts. I don't know why they even come into my mind in the first place. I think that alone scares my like I wonder if it is normal to have these neg. scary thoughts then I wonder would/could I ever do that - what if I did what would happen etc. I feel like this may be coming back because of worries/anxiety over becoming a parent. Any advice?


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:38 am

Reading these posts has helped me. I am 11 weeks pregnant now and have suffered from anxiety for about 9 years. I have managed my anxiety through herbs throughout the 9 years, but I have stopped them during the pregnancy since they aren't well studied enough to be deemed safe and some of them just aren't safe.

My anxiety is mostly hypochondria and pregnancy is a very "symptom" state anyway so I have been a basket case for the past couple of months. Not just the pregnancy symptoms because those at least have a "cause" but I have noticed other things that feel severe and then chased them down. I haven't been able to focus on work. I haven't been able to be happy about being pregnant (even though it took us 3 years!). I haven't been able to do anything except panic and chase down symptoms.

I have left a message for my OB about medication and what might be safe for pregnancy. I hope he calls me back soon...


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:47 am

I too have suffered with anxiety for years. I have always wanted to have a baby since I can remember, or atleast I thought so. I am about a week late and took one pregnancy test that says yes and I am so scared. My husband has reassured me that everything will be ok. I take Luvox and Ativan as needed. I am really scared about going off the medicines. This should be an exciting and happy time for me, but all I feel is scared and worried. Has anyone else felt this way.


Post by Guest » Sat May 09, 2009 11:11 am

Hello all! I am new to this program, but have some info for you.
I have a five month old, born in Decmber. I had AWFUL anxiety during my pregnancy because for one it was a complicated pregnancy and for two because my husband decided to join the Navy. He left after she was a month old, but during my pregnancy I delt with what is life going to be like? I am going to be a single mom all over again (I have a nine year old as well), I am not going to see my husband ever, my best friend, I have to move out of state and leave my family and friends, there was so much I was dealing with. The doctor gave me zoloft and adarax (adarax is an antihistemine)for this. I chose not to take the zoloft, but took the adarax at the onset of an attack. My daughter who is now five months old is perfectly fine, very healthy. I believe that zoloft is the only anti-depressant that they will prescribe for pregnant woman.


Post by Guest » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:30 am

I myself am 16 weeks pregnant. Last year I had a miscarriage and it triggered me to have bad anxiety and it lead to lack of sleep which lead to depression. Then I started to get scary thoughts I had never experienced before. My dr put me on seruquil to sleep, klonopin for anxiety and cymbolta. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I got off of all of it. I was doing fine until about 12 weeks I started bleeding. I just made my anxiety escalate worse. I had to be off my feet for 3 days and I really did nothing for about 3 weeks. I believe this caused my anxiety to be worse. My dr said that my baby was fine and now I can go back to doing the things I did before. I feel as if I am forcing myself everyday to do things. To top it off the stupid scary thoughts always come back when I am at my lowest. I just started seeing a perinatel and postpartum anxiety and depression therapist. I feel as if this will help me get through this. I am also walking about 3 miles again to tire myself out and going to yoga. My dr said to try this before I have to be put on medication. I know that there is always a worry about the baby being ok during this, but my dr said that anxiety does not affect the baby. Just keep having faith and keep yourself very busy. My sleep is totally thrown off because of my anxiety, but I guess I am getting prepared for the future!


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:31 am

thank god for this area.. im 21 on my second pregnancy.. i was in the hospital for about 2 months very sick.. they couldnt figure out what was wrong.. they had me on dilaudid and then i went through dilaudid withdrawel. worst thing ever. now i just have anxiety and depression. i cant even seem to be a good mom to my duaghter who is 3. im on zoloft, compazine, and ambien to sleep.. i also feel worthless, i have no job and nothing to do all day.. my daughter notices im always sad.. this is the first day i got the program... help.?


Post by Guest » Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:38 am

Oh, I'm so sorry. You've got the program, and it definitely will help you. Please don't beat yourself up right now for the situation with your daughter. You have had a complicated pregnancy, and a lot of stress, and please don't beat yourself up for that and add a lot of pressure. If there ever is a time for pampering, it's right now:).

Do you have any help or support in the form of babysitting for your daughter? Family? Friends? Church? I think you deserve a lot of support, and don't deserve to be stuck at home isolated with no help. I know sometimes that can be hard to find the help, but you most certainly deserve support right now.

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