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Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:39 pm
by Liz'e
Im 18 my daughter is 14 months, i suffer from social anxiety and it stops me from going out and getting a job, or going threw drivers training. I stay at home with my parents and Im getting really sick of it. I want help, I want to be able to get a job and do things for my daughter on my own. I sit at home all day I dont have any friends I dont go anywhere and my anxiety is getting worse everyday. I'm not with my babys dad but I have a boyfriend ive been with for almost a year now and hes real supportive but hes always at work. I just feel like im loosing my mind. I feel like My daughters going to hate me when she gets older and i still have no job or anything. I really wish I could overcome this. I dont even know what to do anymore?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:15 am
by Guest
Don't worry so much you can get out there . The first thing you need to do is get that drivers licence. I did not get my drivers licences until
i was almost 25 years old. The reason i did was because i was going to leave my Husband he was to controlling and things were not good at all so i pushed myself to get out and find a better life for my kids and i. IT was not easy but i felt it was better to try them to stay the way things were. I think there is a web site that you can go to to study for your test. Try it what do you have to loose.

don't give up!!!


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:39 am
by Guest
Hi Liz:
I know it looks hopeless right now. But you need to take that first step.
Do you have the program? I hope that you do.
The program will help you.
I can't give you any specifics right now on just how to proceed but you will have to venture forth and make a first move. Maybe the driver's license is the first thing to try for right now.
I know it is scary. You do need the program to help you overcome your major fears.
I'll say a prayer for you.
Also try reading some encouraging materials.
Be blessed.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:01 pm
by Guest

Hi..I am Michelle. My question is the same, do you have the program? It is a starting place and it will help...and guess what you do have friends..I counted three right here and now. The best thing about the people here is that they are encouraging helpful friends. I can tell you love your baby and you want to help yourself...thats huge!!!!Give yourself credit girl. I will pray for you and check back in here on you. Keep up talking here it will help as well. Bless you.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:12 pm
by Guest
Kids are a hard subject for me. A car/driving is a hard one. And living with your parents...another hard one. I may not be the best advice here. I do want to share my thought though. I have my own problems with my children, but I never gave up. I love my children wiith my whole heart. I love the neighbor children and my nieces and nephews. I came to a determination a long time ago. I've heard the same words, I've said the same words..."I hate you mom/dad" Children will say those words at least once in life. They say things out of anger just like a real professional adult. haha The car...Oh the wonderful ways of speddy delivery. I SCARED TO DEATH OF THEM I go through phases, because I don't drive...I watch everyone elses terrible driving...and want to grab the wheel. I have got into trouble with the law also...driving without a licence, speeding, the no insurance thing. All important details when going to get a licence again. AGAIN FOR ME
I'm not giving up, I'm just taking my time. And it's a pain in the.. But then again so is changing the bedding. Driving is important. But the responsibility behind the wheel is even more important. When you are placed in your situation, (and I have been there) THAT IS TOP STRESS/ANXIETY AND DON'T FORGETT DEPRESSION. You and I have found the heart of a hard life. and I have to ask if everything smells like roses? If it does...I want to know how you do it. laugh with me....haha This situation gets me a little panicky just reading about it. The sessions may help you deal with living with your family, and the fear of your child hating you...but the driving thing is the one in lesson two. You have to get in a car. My guy friend went to the church for help from the pastor. I am still in the process myself. I've got my reinstatement fee paid down (step 1), I've picked up a driving book (step 2), AND...I'm stuck. I need to get the money and car and gull to take the test. I tell myself I can do it...but I relize it will take time. That about does it for me. see you here next time. and good luck.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:59 am
by Guest
Hi Liz. You are so very young. Please realize many young people in your situation feel the same way. Social support systems are made up of our family, our friends, our coworkers, our classmates, our neighbors, our churches, etc. What you need is a social support system beyond the family. Did you graduate HS? If not, most colleges have provisions and classes to help you get your GED. If you did graduate, and you can take a few college classes, that would also provide you with a brand new support circle. You are not losing your mind, you are experiencing those feelings we all will get when we close ourselves off to the environment we live in. The very best gift you will ever give your child is to always take care of yourself so that you are the best YOU that you can be. Here is another way to think of this. In a few years your daughter will begin kindergarten. If she did not have any friends, you might arrange little children’s parties, where she could invite a few classmates, and get to know them. Then, she would have friends. You would recognize she needs a social group in kindergarten. Right? So, this is how simple this is. YOU need a social support system. Good healthy places to find like-minded kind hearted people who will enrich our daily lives are those groups I mentioned above. Social anxiety is much easier to overcome when you have a friend or two who understand and who will help you cross that hurdle. The recipe for overcoming social anxiety can begin with forming friendships. The world isn’t so scary when we approach it with others standing beside us.
I wish you the best.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:27 am
by Guest
How are you doing???????Been thinking about you.