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Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:14 pm
by Kriskam02
Posted May 31, 2009 07:18 AM
hello i have posted several times on here and i must say this site is truly awesome and amazing. helped me realize that i was never going to hurt myself or my kids and i started trusting myself again. i have been having scary thoughts for about a year now due to a trauma. they have only gotten better over the year. i can now go and do and enjoy myself and the only time i have one is when i think to myself Wow i haven't thought anything bad and bam there it comes so i don't realy know if it is ocd or just a bad habit. what i am wondering now is my husband and i are talking about having #3 trying for a girl but when he first brought it up i was soooooooo excited then i let those stupid fears bring me down. i started thinking what if i have scary thoughts about the baby when i bring it home. what if it all comes back full blown like it was a year ago when i couldn't stop crying because i didn't understand what was going on. just for the info i have 2 boys and didn't have post partum with either. i was fine prob just reg baby blues from what i remember but that lasted a day or two and i was fine didn't have time to be sad. i am just scared about these two concerns. if you have any info or have been through this i would love some feed back please. husband doesn't know that i am this worried about it and no we have not started trying yet just talked about it.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:44 am
by Guest
My Husband and I have talked about having another as well and I am scared too! I am also very much interesting in hearing any feedback from others!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:03 am
by Guest

I had 4 in under 8 years. When I got pregnant with #4 I was ridiculed by friends and family. Remarks like "don't you know what causes that yet?". Anyhow, I knew that I wanted 4 and I really wanted another girl to even out the count. I didn't consider the stress or post-partem depression, both of which I got big time after she was born. She was colicky, so we would sit at night in the rocker and cry together.

Having said that, it was one of the greatest times of personal and spiritual growth in my life. I gained tremendous insight into myself and life. During our late night sessions, I would cry and pray and boy did God speak! I got through the depression, the stress of 4 kids with a greater sense of who I was and of how strong I could be.

I'm convinced that my sucess in this program now (12 years later) is built on the things I learned during the night with my baby girl.

Now that you both have the skills taught in the program, I'd say you have all you need to conquer whatever life throws at you. You can cope. You can silence the inner critic. You can be positive. And you can have another child. If that desire is in your heart, then you should do it.

Some of what you are experiencing right now is anticipatory anxiety. Don't let it scare you. If you do, it could rob you of your biggest blessing.

Best wishes!

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:23 am
by Guest
thank you sooo much new nana. you have helped me sooo much. i guess my fear is that when i was going having all this i thought i was someone totally diff and i just had to find me again. i am almost there i must say i have fun now i love my life and wouldn't change it for anything. it is true that you learn from every situation you are in and God has shown me that even if i am having a hard time not understanding what caused these thoughts he is there for me and so is my family. i had a thought today that if i had two already i know that it couldn't be anymore scary then having the first one and not having a clue of what to do then. atleast now i know how to be a mom. my first had colic so bad and there were lots of long nights but we made it through just fine didn't stop me from having the second. my obgyn also said that if my anxiety is due to hormones sometimes when you get pregnant those hormones level out and everything is fine. she also said being that i didn't have probs with either of my other two then more then likley i would be just fine. if i don't do it then i will always wonder what if and i don't want that to happen.