Help - I'm losing it!

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Post by InHisWordEO » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:27 am

I just received the program last week and I finished Session 1. I really believed God brought this program to me and I am so encouraged when I hear testimonies from others on it has helped them and how they enjoy their FREEDOM! I, too, pray that I find that too...

My problem is's has become worse these past three months. I lost my mother, suddenly, while she and my dad were on a cruise. I know this is a hard blow, but the unexpectedness, is really hard to deal with at times. So grief has basically compounded my anxiety. The biggest challenge I now have is that my daugther who is 16 will be visiting tomorrow my brother in Atlanta with my Dad (who by the way I've been caring for him since my mom passed.) I am so anxious about my daugther traveling that I am now having panic attacks and scary thoughts that something is going to happen to her and I will never see her again. I've even asked her not to travel. I don't want to cast off my fears on her. She assures me everything will be okay and that she understands that I am so anxious because of what happened to my mom. I need help - I am really struggling with this and want to be okay, but I can't stop obessing about these thoughts. Does anyone else have the fear of something horrible happening to their children, to where it debilitates you? Now that I think about it, I have had this anxiety and fear since she was little (from checking on her in her crib, to when she now rides in a car with someone else than my husband or I.) We're talking the better part of 16 years but now with mom passing - I feel like it's on HIGH DRIVE...and she leaves tomorrow for a week....I need help! I also have a five year old and my husband and I plan to take her to the beach (we live in Miami) towards the latter part of the week so I can relax and spend some quality time with my little one. I have faith in God and my faith is what has seen me through my grief but these thoughts are just horrible. I start thinking to myself that this isn't anxiety is really mother's intuition that something bad is going to's amazing what your mind can do!!! I would welcome to hear from anyone that suffers from this...God bless you all!


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:49 am

Hi there,

I have only been on the program for 2 weeks, but already I have noticed some amazing differences. I have always worried about something happening to my little ones, I think every good parent does. For me the worrying was worst with my little one who just turned 5 this past Friday. I am starting to notice a lot of anxiety thinking in her, and she's only 5. I think that we cannot pass off every bad feeling we have concerning our children as mother's intuition. As hard as it is, we have to let them grow up and let them get out and experience the world. I can tell you too, that the relaxation CD and positive self talk will really help to get you through your anxiety about something bad happening to your children. How many times have you had that feeling of dread about something they have done or are going to do and everything was just fine? What I have tried to start doing is praying to God every night to keep my family safe, and secure, and to let me be able to let them live their lives. I know that it is worse for you now since losing your mother, my prayers go out to you. Give yourself the time you need to get out all your grief of losing your mother, and pray to God to keep your daughter who's leaving for a week safe. Know that she will be fine, and will come back with many fun things to tell you!!! Good luck, and you CAN do this! :)

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Post by epa » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:04 am

Welcome to the program InHisWord. I to have had those kinds of fears over my children. There was times that I would make up reason why they couldn't do something because I had fears they might get hurt. I realized I could be passing my fears onto them and there is no way I want my kids to suffer with anxiety or fears. So I started praying over them in the morning for God to place a hedge of protection around them and be with them throughtout the day. I realize that things can still happen but I give my worries to God and believe he will watch over them. I think even parents that don't deal with anxiety worry about there kids safety thats part of loving them so much and wanting the best for them.. I ask that God will give you peace while your daughter is away and protect her and that you will be able to enjoy yourself and your 5 yr old at the beach. Keep praying God will get you through this..
ATTITUDE -- The mind is like a doesn't work unless it's open!!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:08 am

I've had the program for about 10 days. Looking back, I had major anxiety about our children since the first was born 6 years ago. I could barely leave the house when she was a newborn. I had a hard time even taking a shower if my husband wasn't home, because I wouldn't be keeping watch over her and the house. I still am in constant fear of something happening to one of them. All sorts of scenarios go through my head. I am always working on a plan of escape should there be a fire, burglar, tornado, whatever... My husband thinks I overreact in stores, as far as keeping them close. This one, however, I will not compromise on. There are just too many possibilities with the public at large nowadays. The odds may be small of something happening, but that's not a chance I'm willing to take.

I can only imagine what this will continue like as they get older.

I have also been reading Joel Osteen's "Become a Better You" while working on this program. I was about 1/2 way through when I started the program. They have actually been great companions. He talks alot about our negative self talk and turning that around. He reinforces that God put everything we need inside of us, we just haven't worked it out yet. God put the coping mechanisms in us. He made us victorious, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and to possess self-control. All the fruits of the spirit. We have what it takes. God made us that way. I like receiving a very similar message as the program, but in the context of my spiritual beliefs.

May God keep your daughter safe while on her trip. And may you find a measure of peace to enjoy this time with your youngest.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

This too shall pass.

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Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:32 pm

Post by cowgirl » Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:43 am

Thank you everyone for your encouragement and sharing the tactics that work for you. She returned today (safely) and as you all told me, she had a great time with her grandfather! I praised God as I hugged her at the airport and surrendered to Him that He can watch over her and protect her way better than I can!! Thank you everyone! God Bless


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:57 am

How wonderful!!

A great trip. Your trust in God.

Little by little. One step at a time.

Great Job!

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