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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:32 am
by liz27
looking for some advice about my 8 year old son. there are soo very many details and "issues" that can be told but in short...i'm faced w/ a big parental heart-ache! when my son was finishing the 1st grade his teacher called me in 3 days before summer vaca. to tell me that i need to take him to the doc...she thinks he has a.d.h.d. as you could imagine i OVERreacted,freaked-out,did everything she told me to do and after a 10min. appt w/ pedes-doc, where my son sat and played quietly w/ a toy, he was ready to hand me a perscription for a psycho-stimulant drug for my baby at which point i thought---WAIT---i didn't even sit and rationally think about this yet! last year-his 2nd grade year was pretty much the same deal..all was good till the end of the year. i of-course killed myself w/ trying to know,understand,find,do,ask,print-out,read,research as much as i poss. could about adhd and also my rights as a parent of a public-school student---so VERY long story short we're not even a month into school and i've already gotten a note from the teacher and i'm physically ill to think about this all CONSUMING me again and i've almost come to myown diagnoses if you will, that my son has all of these symptoms that made ME buy this program. W/ this battle w/ the school to throw him on meds. draws nearer it is soooo dificult to work on clearing my mind and going thru these sessions not to mention how terribly guilty i feel doing this for ME. how selfish as a mom that here i am sending my 8 year old baby to school to deal w/ his teacher's "label" and i'm at hope working on the very thing that i "taught" him which is giving him this label!aahhhhh!

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:54 am
by Ashlynn
Stop beating yourself up and take some deep breaths. My son was ADHD and so is my one grandaughter. I wasn't suffering from any issues way back when my son was in his first years and he still could not sit still...ever. Since then I have watched different shows and researched this big epidemic and NAME TAG put on so many kids. There have been cases where the problems are due to a food allergy or sensitivity to foods, the enviroment, things we use daily in our homes. So many people are finding out that gluten is a big problem in a lot of ways to do with health and yes ADHD, ADD, and many illnesses. It's worth your time and maybe peace of mind to do some reading about different things others have done and used in place of meds that have worked miracles on their young ones. I could make this a novel very easily from all I have seen but won't. It's worthy of research and can't hurt. I'll be praying for both of you.