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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:00 pm
by AlisonF
Everytime my husband and I try for a baby I always find myself depressed for the rest of the month. I feel it's too late for us. I'm 39, nearly 40 and my negative thinking says I will never get pregnant.

I even bought one of those ovulation kits and waited for the test to say I was ovulating and still I believe it's not going to happen.

There are other concerns, like my husbands diabetes that poses a challenge. I won't say what it is, but it makes it difficult TTC during my fertile week.

I'm just really blue right now waiting for next week when I'm due. I just know I'm gonna be cursed instead of blessed.

I hope this wasn't TMI and if it I was, I apologize.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:21 pm
by Guest
Well first I do not think you are to old to get pregnant. Plenty of people are still having babies at 40. There usually aren't perfect situations-you mentioned you're husbands diabetes. Maybe you are not pregnant yet because it is just not the right time. Maybe the right child for you is just not ready to come yet. Talk to your doctor if you have allot of concerns. I have had friends who have waited and waited to get pregnant and it always seems to happen at the most unexpected time. Good luck to you.