Search found 11 matches

by jamija
Sun Feb 24, 2002 10:23 am
Forum: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Topic: IBS, Diarrhea, Anxiety. HELP!!!!!!
Replies: 18
Views: 9278

Dear Lindsay: First of all, have you been DIAGNOSED with IBS? The combination of anxiety and intolerance to certain foods really do mimic IBS symptoms. Like you already know, certain foods are off limits. In my case its: milk, mushrooms (mushroom being a type of fongus, you have to eliminate any foo...
by jamija
Wed Jan 16, 2002 9:57 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Dear Craw: Thank you for your note addressed to Smears and for clarifying things for everyone else's benefit! Like I said, I'm trying desperately to pressure the editor into having the book translated so my French-speaking friends can read it. It is an incredible tool - I call it my "Bible" now! Onl...
by jamija
Tue Jan 15, 2002 7:40 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Ch�re Tara: Merci pour le beau compliment - tu m'as fait rougir <IMG SRC=""> Moi aussi j'ai une peur terrible des m�dicaments. Il me semble que chaque fois que j'essaie quelque chose de nouveau, my body goes bezerk! Pills terrify me... Pour ce qui est de la...
by jamija
Mon Jan 14, 2002 2:14 pm
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Hello Craw: Yes, I do know that the book is protected by copyright laws and I assure you that what Tara and I are talking about in our latest posting is not about translating the book itself - it's about translation work in general (since we are both bilingual) and, by conversing in French, she gets...
by jamija
Mon Jan 14, 2002 10:31 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Tara, it's me again... Voici la suite du posting pr�c�dent: Ca fait combien de temps que tu prends le m�dicament dont tu parles? Il faut parfois 4 � 6 semaines au corps avant qu'il ne s'y habitue. Si �a fait plus longtemps que �a que tu les prends, parles-en � ton m�decin, il peut peut-�tre ajuster ...
by jamija
Mon Jan 14, 2002 10:28 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Hello Tara: Tu me fais bien rire... Comme �a tu travailles freelance! Ca doit �tre le fun mais en m�me temps ins�curisant, non? Ici en Abitibi, y'a pas beaucoup de gens bilingues alors je suis toujours sollicit�e pour faire des traductions mais les gens ne veulent pas payer trop cher pour faire fair...
by jamija
Sun Jan 13, 2002 10:30 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Dear Smears: Thanks for the tip! As you can tell, the translation is not for me since I'm fluent in both French and English. I do translate parts of the book for my friends (translating documents was a big part of my job and I did it for 21 years <IMG SRC="">...
by jamija
Sun Jan 13, 2002 7:22 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Bonjour Tara: Premi�rement, je tiens � te remercier de ta gentillesse et de tes efforts pour m'aider... Pour ce qui est de ton fran�ais, je t'assure qu'il est meilleur que tu ne le penses! Les conjugaisons sont difficiles, m�me pour nous qui avons �tudi� toute notre vie en fran�ais alors quand une p...
by jamija
Sat Jan 12, 2002 1:57 pm
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Bonjour Tara: Wow! ton fran�ais est vraiment excellent! Je vais d�finitivement suivre ton conseil et essayer de downloader "stress and anxiety relief" si je le trouve! J'imagine que presque tous les gens qui �crivent dans les forums du Stress Stress Center ont tous le programme vid�o et/ou audio. J'...
by jamija
Thu Jan 10, 2002 5:31 am
Forum: Session 1 - Anxiety and Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Common Fears
Topic: French-speaking people's help needed...
Replies: 21
Views: 8760

Thanks Little One - I appreciate your support and I will keep you posted!
